Thursday, April 3, 2008

Bedrest and Motherhood

Two nights ago, I had another wild night with the boys. It was up and down, sleep and awake, silent then crying for pretty much the whole night. Finally it seemed that I had gotten them both calmed down and sleeping and then Abe started to cry. In this weak moment, I lost my patience. Now don't get ahead of me...I didn't do anything past that moment of exasperation but thinking about it later on that day (with a clear mind and not at 4 am) I realized how selfish my frustration had been. It was at that moment that a very wise piece of advice came back to me.
While I was on bedrest I received an encouraging card from a lady at my church. Her words were kind, cheering me on to keep a bright outlook on my time in bed. However, nothing stuck out quite like one line that she had written. She said, "Bedrest is excellent practice for motherhood, as motherhood will be spent mostly laying down your life for your children." How true I now know that to be! My life is no longer my own, and gratefully so. I love my boys with everything that is within me. I love them more than hot meals, a long shower, and even night after night of peaceful sleep. They are a gift from the Lord! Please Lord, just help me to remember that at 4 am.


Anonymous said...

Your insight into what "is" important right now has come from a source prior to the birth of these two little ones. Divine intervention? Me thinks so!
Rest assured, help is on the way. Grammy Pammy and Aunt Debbie will be there to love up babies, wash your clothes, find those dust bunnies that have been stressing you out, but best of all, Aunt Debbie's cooking is heading your way! I will be there with them in spirit.
Love to the four of you,
Aunt Kim

Unknown said...

This brought me to tears. I have referred to this post with friends, because I was so moved by it. Of course, my bed rest was only three weeks, so you got me way beat there!!! But it is still such an awesome reminder, I wish I had heard it during my bed rest. Too precious! Thank you so much for sharing!