Thursday, June 17, 2010

Growin' Things, Pt. II

Eggplant: Who would have thought that the blossoms would be so pretty!
Cucumber blossoms! I'm hoping for lots of cuc's so I can try this recipe.
Beautiful squash blossoms! I'm trying REALLY hard not to pick them all right now and make these!
Beefsteaks gettin' beefy!
Yellow cherry tomatoes clinging to the vine for dear life! Twenty little pick-happy fingers trace over them everyday to a chorus of, "Boys, not yet!"
Bibb lettuce: Doesn't it just look like a friendly rabbit should hop out at any moment?!
Ice Plant
Cinnamon Yarrow
The start of many Coneflower blooms
Our yucca FINALLY bloomed! Three years after we planted it! Can you say, Prima Donna?!
I have NO idea but they're one of my fav's!


Crystal said...

Wow! Impressive! Look at that lettuce and those tomatoes! I'm oh so jealous! Stupid snails are destroying mine, I'm heading to lowe's tomorrow for a solution.

Tania said...

You are doing a great job! I can't wait to see all that produce on your counter pretty soon!! We better get a picture of that!

Aunt Kim said...

Lookin' good!
Would love to be a mouse in the corner each and every day those boys are tempted to "harvest" your bounty. What great life lessons; patience and fortitude.