Jer immediately jumped up and went on the search for the our missing A.B. thinking he might be into his record collection in the living room. Well imagine the surprise when he found him just a few feet our kitchen door...eating what else? Cheerios and pine needles. Don't reread it. You read it correct the first time. Cheerios AND pine needles. Out of the the space between the door sweep and the tile. Lovely.
Hmmmm. I thought it was strange that there was no cleanup after our Cheerio snack yesterday.
It appears, several Cheerios were thrown (?!?!) or dropped from the high chair yesterday and made their way into the abyss that is the bottom of my kitchen door. When I cleaned up yesterday, I didn't think to check that said abyss. Silly me. Anyway, I guess a very able Abraham decided he would help himself to a bedtime snack. Yum! Fiber!
As for the pine needles. Well, yeah, those are from Christmas. Ummmm. You see, I been needing to bring in the shop vac to get those...and well...anyway...
On a side note, my cousin Chelsea who is a nanny to twin girls, suggested an EXCELLENT idea for finger food phobic mothers. Soak the O's! Imagine that! She suggested yogurt or breastmilk. Again. Great idea. Thought I would toss that out there for food-for-thought!
In other news, Abe took his first steps yesterday. Two steps, from me to the couch to get the phone. He looked like FrankenBaby walking his two little wobbly steps. Precious!
What changes! And because I can't leave you without pics for the gp's, feast on these...
Sweet Ben
Have a fiberous Friday!