Monday, November 5, 2007

It's a party in my stomach!

So the babies are really moving around a lot. It's become quite comical and yet a it's still a little erie. I still haven't been able to quite grasp that there's one, let alone two babies in there but the more I feel them moving...the more I'm becoming a believer. Throughout the day they send me little reminders that they're hanging out. Sometimes it's when I'm lying on the couch and other times it's when I'm eating or just talking to someone. The best has to be when I first wake up though. They are both usually right out in front and as soon as I wake up I know exactly where they are at. It looks and feels almost as if I swallowed two softballs. It's pretty funny when they are both on the same side too. My belly looks so lopsided! I still haven't been able to tell who's "A" and who's "B" but the doc said that will come with time and as they get bigger and there's less space to move around. Nothing on earth can quite explain what it feels like to have two babies moving around though. Well...except maybe a round of Knock Em Sock Em Boppers inside your stomach.

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