Monday, December 13, 2010


Lately, Abe's favorite thing to do is build forts.
I don't know about you, but this random photo from the internet is my idea of a fort.
This is Abe's.
It's every blanket and pillow that he can physically get his hands on mixed with his favorite toys at the moment {currently Noah's Ark, Judah's Bumbo, and every toy from our living room toy basket.}And then he just piles it all on the couch. 
Lately, this is how the toilet paper in the boy's bathroom always looks. It's Ben's idea of how to perfectly spend 13 seconds!
Lately, this boy of ours has started looking {and acting}awfully ONE!
Lately, in reading this book, I have been awestruck by just how generous and inexhaustible God's grace really is.
What's been up with you lately?


Teresa Brooks said...

Ohhh Sarah ~ did this ever take me back to my days with 4 sons. I absolutely loved it. Only difference is I had them all over the house, with one trying to out fort the other ;) Enjoy these days they are a treasure. Our love from the Brooks' Family to the Sloan family and a very Merry Blessed Christmas. Love you guys, Aunt Teresa

Anonymous said...

Your blog pretty well sums it up in the life of three little (boys) ones! Way to hang in there mom and still keep smiling and blogging!

Can't wait to see you in a week. Abie will be able to put up and take down his fort in about five seconds after X-mas!!

Love you much,


Aunt Kim said...

I guess beauty is in the eyes of the beholder (fort-builder).

Merry Christmas to the Sloans.

Love you bunches.