Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Triple the Twins

Today we met some friends for a playdate. The company- two other sets of twins!
It was a twin-sane day. No really, it was.
Look what my display said was playing on the radio. (Do-do-do-do. Do-do-do-do.)
Our buddy, B, holding on for the ride.My Ben.
B, Z and Ben
E and Abe, grocery shopping
Abe, Ben and questionable Barrett boy :)
Snack time!
It usually goes really fast. It's ALWAYS kinda crazy. But it sure is fun!



Woo-Woo said...

They look so grown up playing with their little pals, and sitting at the table with their snacks. I just wonder what the floor looked like whe those little tikes were done!! What a fun day you guys had! Where was that?!

Tania said...

That looks like sooo much fun!!! So great to hang out with other moms and let the kidos play.. and especially great when they are other moms that understand your life!

Aunt Kim said...

Can I come next time? I am all over this!

Gina said...

Great pictures, Sarah. And YES, Aunt Kim you are totally welcome, if Sarah doesn't need you, you can always help me with mine!