Friday, November 14, 2008

Bag of Tricks

The other night Jer came up with the ingenious idea to give the boys some new shoestrings to play with. Sort of reinventing the wheel, if you will. Surprisingly, they were mesmerized and played well with and near each other for quite a while. Thank goodness for cheap tricks!

Sneaky shot by Mom

Lovin' them some shoe fastening lace!
"I'mnotchewingonanything, Unh-uh, notathing."
Little piggy, oink! oink!

Eyes as blue as can be

Sweet boys, today you chew on these laces, next time I'll be teaching you to tie them. Life is but a vapor.


Lorena said...

Hilarious, that's just as good as my "Trail Mix box" trick. Gotta love those items that catches there eye for more than 5 minutes.

Lorena said...

No, no, that's not what I meant at all. Girl please! I do have to say I love Keely's budda belly, it sure helps prop her up :)

Anonymous said...

Go figure! You can spend countless amounts of money on toys and the like......and what do they play with? The box or wrapping paper. Or in your case, the shoelaces.

Anonymous said...

Go figure! We can spend countless amounts of money on toys, and what do they play with? The box or the wrapping paper. In your case, shoelaces!